
Retired Leaders:

  • Saint
  • Dryvit
  • Iasgae56
  • Motor


Head General: Diaa Lotfi

Generals (2ic): Sofia011,Chapa23

Lieutenant General (3ic):

________________________Owner Line_______________________

4th In Command: Icebaer10

Lieutenant General:

Command Officer:

Head General:

Major General:

Field Marshall:

Brigadier General:

______________Mod Line_______________________


Head Colonel:


Head Major: Moses 106





Warrant Officer:





Banned Forever/Fired: Billybob :O

If you arent on the ranks make sure to comment on the Join page HERE. And inform the leaders on chat!


30 Responses

  1. 1st!

  2. 2ND! And I’m joinin’!

  3. add me to a high rank please

  4. 4TH and I joined can i plz have a good rank?

  5. 5th!

  6. awsome im a colonel thanks

  7. awesome im a colonel and also..7th!

  8. 8th!

  9. 9th and w00t im a brig.

  10. 10th and are the ranks from the older site coming back or do we have to rejoin cus if we do nooooo!!!

  11. 10th

  12. Hello I am Indyashwin i am a very hard working penguin soldier my penguin is 300 – 350 days old I have taken out four major armies called Nachoz Doritoz IW UMA by myself may i please have a high rank thank you

  13. i want a higher rank

  14. 42 soldiers as of 28/5/10. We are getting bigger by the day.

  15. I’d say wel be able to invade soon after our event tomorrow. Only if every single one of our soldiers turn up which is unlikely.

  16. Can I be Commander because i was in my other army
    and i’d like to fight like how i did before

  17. Nice! Colenol!

  18. Colonel!

  19. my friend mommacat is not on the ranks. add him and clappy 09

  20. Umm i joined but my name is still no there…

    Can you please add it soon as you can?

  21. I commented on the Join page a while ago, but I’m still not on the Ranks page. Plz add me to the page.
    🙂 Dj Yaseen

  22. I was highest mod/lowest owner. Put me back there please.

  23. can i have a rank in have already joined 🙂 23th btw

  24. how do I know when I am on the gators? thx

  25. How do you k now when you are a Gator? Please tell me. 😐

  26. Please tell me how you know when your a Gator? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME!

  27. i just commented

  28. rank now plz

  29. am i a mod

  30. Your Club Penguin Name:blastman204 or smoothguy02
    Other armies you were in(optional):none
    Your Rank in those armies:0
    Do you promise to be loyal and active in the Gators?
    i do promise to be loyal

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