About CP Gators

The CP Gators were formed by Saint and Dryvit, both former leaders of ACP. It was formed out of frustration in finding a CP army that stood for Honesty, Integrity, Honor and Duty. These 4 pillars make the base for our army. This army stands on those four pillars. We cannot and will not function any other way. There is no government to be corrupted, no Senate to make things less fun.   Today we stand proudly on our ideals and pursuit of fun on Club Penguin. Let the other armies fight for all the wrong reasons. We will fight to keep our pillars intact. We fight for fun, we fight for Club Penguin. If you are looking for a fun, safe, honor bound army that you will be proud to show your friends and parents, if you are looking for a safe chat to talk with friends with out fear, then you found the right army for you.  Welcome to the CP Gators !!

34 Responses

  1. 1st!!

  2. 3nd

  3. 4th!

  4. 5th!

  5. 6th!

  6. Promise,not leaving the wounded,no betraying or killing own members, defently better than the other armys

  7. 8th

  8. 9TH

  9. Hey Dryvitand Saint1119,I have another uniform for you guy’s.Here’s the image link,

  10. Nice site guys!

  11. i signed up but im still not on the ranks. can i get o them?

  12. I Am THE ClubpenguinCivilianRebel’s (CPCR) Leader TheMaster13. I was wondering how i could become allies with the Gator Army. Could you Tell me what to to or who to talk to?

    ~TheMaster13 CPCR leader

  13. max failed (no offence) its 3rd not 3nd

  14. 15th okay can i join?

  15. when are we going to have another war??

  16. Gators sulk eggs!

  17. Can we go on to a war

  18. Are we going on a war.

  19. Can i join

  20. i have a question. is this why most of the ppl on club penguin are on blue team? 😥

  21. 22nd!

  22. I prefer red team but this army sounds cool!


    Waddle On!

  23. Wow that’s a really effective about page, pillars of Gators a bit like the pillars of Islam (I’m Catholic)

  24. 25th… oh noz…

  25. 26th

  26. you all copied me.. that was my idea……;)

  27. *wary*

  28. So, basically this army is not engaged with the CP Army politics?

  29. is this clan a group from acp?
    p.s. 32th

  30. 33

  31. 34th

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